FurCon 2020!

#LatePost! #Flashback to mid January when Berry Pie (aka Jen-Mei) and Gecke (aka Loke) collaborated with Fireline Coyote (aka Jeff) on a hands-on, QTPOC-centered Intro to Ham radio panel: Get on the Furnet! at the Further Confusion Conference (unfortunately, Jen-Mei was out sick so didn't get to make it to the event).

In attendance we had some folks who had never heard of Ham Radio before, some Ham Curious folks who were interested in getting licensed, and both green and seasoned Hams alike.

We shared pronouns and our goals to create a QTPOC-centered/supported space in Ham Radio, some radio basics, and a lot of enthusiasm for the hobby before breaking off into groups and giving folks a chance to jump on the radio and practice making calls (with a licensed control operator of course!)

Hams unite!

After attempting to reach folks through some local repeaters without success (we were in a cement building - not the best place to attempt contacting other people), we switched to simplex communication (direct communication between radios as opposed to bunnyhopping from repeater to repeater in order to connect to other folks).

Annnd....success! Some folks made their first Ham contact ever during the session!

This is Dave, (and Loke), he made his first Ham contact with us ever!
This is Dave, (and Loke), he made his first Ham contact with us ever!

Folks had a blast checking in and out of our makeshift "Fur net" and learned a lot about Ham etiquette. Our next "Get to know Ham radio" session is on Thursday, March 12, at 6pm in preparation for the March 14th Ham Cram. Come to one or both events! Please email hello@partee4justice.org for details.

In the meantime, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for updates on projects we've got in the works!