Power and Resilience Through Experiential Education

Loke Davis

FurCon 2020!

#LatePost! #Flashback to mid January when Berry Pie (aka Jen-Mei) and Gecke (aka Loke) collaborated with Fireline Coyote (aka Jeff) on a hands-on, QTPOC-centered Intro to Ham radio panel: Get on the Furnet! at the Further Confusion Conference (unfortunately, Jen-Mei was out sick so didn't…

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Loke Davis

End of Year Fundraiser

Friends, Family, and Community, Jen-Mei and Loke here - we are excited to share a new project we’ve been cooking up the last six months - Power and Resilience Through Experiential Education (PaRTEE). In our journeys as social justice activists, we’ve realized how we and…

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Loke Davis


Jen-Mei and Loke are now officially CERTified! (We passed our Community Emergency Response Team training!) The training, which was sponsored by the Alameda County Fire Department and consisted of two (very full) back-to-back Saturdays, reviewed leverage and cribbing (we can lift heavy, unliftable things off…

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