Post-election resilience

Poster that says Vote! for democracy

We've been busy surviving COVID-19, moving to multiple places, and organizing and protesting for Black lives and for abolition, and generally trying to deal with everything that 2020 has thrown at us (dry lightning storms and devastating fires in August? A SCOTUS conservative super majority? You sure want us to remember you, 2020). But we're back! And we want to share with you a few things we're doing to prepare for the next major emergency.

Many people we know are preparing for a wave of white supremacist violence after the election. It's not guaranteed, but given the things they've done recently, it's good to be prepared.

Toward that end, we're supporting folks who want to get their amateur radio licenses before the election by hosting a ham cram-style study session on Monday, Nov. 2 (eve of the election!) and offering digital security consultation and a workshop (also see our note about being careful with what you share on encrypted services since encryption won't last forever).

This article was updated on January 25, 2025

I've been involved in movement activism for most of my adult life. Right now I'm focused on cultural work (including through Comrade Lover), making (art and tech), and skillsharing (via PaRTEE and previously through Liberating Ourselves Locally, aka LOL makerspace).

I've been in movement spaces for most of my adult life, and have noticed that some really useful skills – e.g. radio, digital security, sound engineering, screen printing, functional art – are held by a small number of people. And often that small number of people isn't the most diverse group. I've been trying to expand my own skillset in these and other areas, and sharing what I've learned through PaRTEE. 

Re: amateur (ham) radio: check out this post that includes my ham origin story helping w/ wilderness comms for Run4Salmon. I'm not at all an expert, but I love helping other social justice activists get into the hobby, partly because I want more people to practice with.

pronouns she/her